PSU Abington Student Apartments
Abington, Pennsylvania
Steven Mezzacappa
Construction Management
Abington, Pennsylvania
AE 481 / 482 Reflection
This year's AE Senior Thesis was an incredible opportunity to put my four years of academic studies to work in working on real world challenges faced on an actual project being completed in the construction industry. Overall, I had a very positive experience working on Thesis and loved having the freedom to explore research topics I am passionate about. If I were to give advice to incoming fifth year students, I would advise them to meet often with their advisers and be very open when they are struggling. The faculty really wants us to succeed and will do their absolute best to help us, but they can only do that if they know we are struggling. I would also advise future fifth years to pick up the phone and call companies and contractors. From my experiences, contractors loved having the opportunity to not only answer my questions, but mentor me along the way! I found this part of Thesis especially very rewarding!
CPEP Reflection
The CPEP Website was very useful in helping me stay on track throughout the year and proved very effective to publish my work throughout the year.